Classic mechanical paintball is back in style and we are excited to be a part of it! These events are meant to have an easier relaxed pace of play, but still include every bit of competitive excitement us paintballers crave. This format is perfect for merging new and experienced tournament players with the goal of rediscovering how tournament paintball first began. The mix of old and new technology, play styles, and tournament fields, these limited events should not be missed!
We currently host one grand “Open” division for our 10v10 format. We aim to encourage the amateur players involvement through limiting each team to only one professionally ranked player.
Mostly, what you need to know is:
– The Classic format plays 8 prelim matches, typically 4-6 each day if it is a two day event. Games are between 10 and 12 minutes each.
– This format uses a classic two flag scoring system. The goal is to be the first team to successfully capture the opposing team’s flag and return it to your own starting box.
– Teams can attain a max score of 100 points per game. Teams get 1 point for each live teammate, 2 points for each eliminated opponent, 20 points for any flag pull, and 50 points for the game ending flag hang.
– Playoff teams are typically taken in groups of 3 instead of the modern 4 grouping. The amount taken is fully described in the rulebook. For each playoff round, each team will play the other two teams one time. Best total score moves on.
– Players are encouraged to use mechanical markers, allowing any rate of fire. Players are allowed to use electronic firing markers as well, but must be limited to 5.5 bps.
– All players and staff will need a valid form of state issued I.D. to check in. We are a PBLi approved league and do require PBLi ID cards for all players and staff that intend to enter the pits or playing field. ID cards will be printed at the field the day of the event. ***More information here***
– This is a “No Coaching” format. We always welcome players and spectators alike to watch and cheer from the sidelines, but no person should assist a player on the field while a point is in play.
– If there are any other questions that need to be answered ahead of time, please Contact Us or view our MVPS rule book here.